Helping others and each other, know, love, and follow Jesus
Worship Services
9:00am Celebration
Our contemporary service is led by a praise band and is known to include things like mandolins and a double bass. You may also hear a current rendition of some well-known hymns. It is a "come-as-you-are" community where everyone is welcome and you are bound to leave better than when you arrived!
11:00am Traditional
The experience of a gifted choir accompanied by the sound of a church organ is one many people have known from their childhood. In this service we align our spirits as we speak the beliefs of our faith in the creeds, and we align our hearts as we sing the hymns of the faith - both old and new.
408 North Baylor Brenham TX 77833
Our Ministries
Centered on love, truth, and grace
Our mission is to inspire all persons to respond with gifts and service to meet the needs of people both locally and globally, through the mission and outreach ministries of First United Methodist Church. Mission service and outreach to others is woven into our very being as followers of Christ and members of FUMC Brenham.
Children's Ministry
The children’s ministry of First United Methodist Church Brenham, is a place where faith, imagination, and learning go hand in hand. We believe the best way to prepare our kids for the future is to help them fall in love with Jesus, and connect them with safe, loving adults who model following Jesus and invest in their lives.
We want to provide opportunities for students to develop their faith and grow in their Biblical knowledge. We want to help students recognize and develop their gifts and talents and to build a community that makes students feel safe, loved and like they belong.
United Methodist Women
United Methodist Women are dedicated to bringing Women of Christ together to be in mission and to fellowship with one another.
United Methodist
United Methodist Men meet once a month for fellowship and lunch. They support scholarships for local students and help with numerous projects around the church and in the community.